Friday, June 17, 2011

Twitter Tough Guy

You remember Hockey Legend Chris Nilan, right?  No? Let me refresh your memory. Nilan was a goon for the Canadiens in the 80's. His primary function was to protect real hockey players...that's it. Basically, an ape could have done what Nilan did on the ice. He wasn't a star then, and he sure as hell is a nobody now. Aside from being a goon, the only news I ever remembered about Nilan was when he got arrested for stealing shorts from a Lord n Taylor a bunch of years back.

A couple months ago, when the NHL playoffs started, I came across a tweet from Nilan about the B's/Habs series, and decided to follow Nilan on Twitter just to see the Montreal perspective, he rooted for the Habs, tweeted thoughts on the series, and mentioned appearances he'd be making on the radio. All good. When the B's beat he habs in 7...I tweeted a "haha" to him to chide him a little and he responded to the tweet by asking me to fight him on the street and even sent me a direct message with incoherent ramblings about fucking my mother and sucking on tits and bragging about how many followers he has.(he apparently doesn't realize that some people aren't on twitter to act like 15 year old girls, but to actually just see the news updates) Since then, I've continued following Nilan just because I thought it would be funny to follow a washed-up, half-retarded idiot, and Nilan hasn't disappointed. Come to find out...this is an almost daily routine for this guy. He literally threatens to fight somebody's're 100 years are an adult...act like it. Any idiot can threaten to fight people, and make bad mother jokes on twitter...thing is, most of those idiots are teenagers and drunken college kids....not grandfathers.

Maybe it's not his fault, maybe he was hit in the head too many times, either way the dude needs to grow up because he's embarrassing himself and probably his family too...what kid wants to see their grandfather (who by the way, can barely spell)make an ass out of himself online?

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